There is no excuse for this any more: QR code fail #752

On a recent trip to Sydney, we were looking for somewhere for dinner. One of the restaurants at Darling Harbour had a QR code to access their menu instead of the normal printed one near the entry.

Which is fine, in theory.

And I say “in theory” because after scanning the code, I was presented with this:

The QR code
What we saw next

Can’t read it either?

Needless to say, we kept walking to the next place. How many others have done the same?

This is crazy – I see this far too often.

If you’re expecting customers to access something on their phone – design it to be accessed on a phone!

This really should be an absolute baseline in 2023, like expecting the food at this establishment to be edible.

There is no excuse for this anymore. Responsive web design has been a “thing” for over a decade.

If you design something, anything, test it in the environment you expect it to be used!

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